exercises to belly fat fast. the best exercises to belly fat for losing weight.how to start exercises for lose belly fat .


exercises to belly fat

exercises to belly fat 

Fast Track to a Flat Belly

Lose up to 4 pounds and 3 inches in 7 days with this incredibly effective, easy-to-follow routine
The secret is to really fatigue your abs -- not an easy task,
because they’re used to working all day to keep you standing tall. But we created a routine
that, when combined with regular cardio, does it in just four moves.
How do we know for sure? We had nearly a dozen women test the program as part of our
Prevention Fitness Lab. All our testers lost serious inches from their stomachs in weeks -- and
you can too! Start now for an all-around leaner belly

PROGRAM AT A GLANCE -- exercises to belly fat --

3 DAYS A WEEK: Do the Slim Belly Workout moves on 3 nonconsecutive days to tone
your midsection.
5 DAYS A WEEK: Do 30 to 40 minutes of cardio, such as brisk walking, swimming, jogging, or bike riding, to burn off belly fat. You should be breathing hard but still able to
talk in short sentences.
EVERY DAY: Watch portions and fi ll up on whole grains, vegetables, fruits, lean protein, and healthy fats to maximize results. Aim for 1,600 to 1,800 calories spread evenly
throughout the day. To keep tabs on your eating, go to prevention. com/healthtracker.
THE EXPERT: Tony Caterisano, PhD, exercise scientist and professor in the department
of health sciences at Furman University, designed this workout.

SAMPLE WORKOUT exercises to belly fat SCHEDULE  

 MON                        ABS AND CARDIO
   TUE                         CARDIO
   WED                       REST
   THU                        ABS AND CARDIO
   FRI                          REST
   SAT                         ABS AND CARDIO      
   SUN                        CARDIO

exercises to belly fat 

Do 3 sets of each of the 4 moves, performing as many reps (1 second up, 1 second down) as possible
until you feel a burning sensation in the muscles you’re working or you can no longer maintain proper
form. Rest 15 seconds between sets. You’ll likely be able to do more reps during earlier sets and exercises--and that’s okay. After you can do 50 reps or hold a plank for 2 minutes for most sets, try the “Make it
Harder” variations, change the order of the exercises, or do the moves after another type of workout.

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