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Move Fast to Burn belly Fat

exercises to belly fat

Move Fast to Burn Fat Fastexercises to belly fat

I’m about to discuss some groundbreaking research about lifting fast and burning fat. But before I do that, let me explain why the research in question really is worth getting excited about.Ever since commercial gyms like Bally’s and 24-Hour Fitness opened their doors, people have been training with slow tempos. The reasons why slow training became popular are numerous (none of them make any scientific sense), but at the top of the list is that noticeable “muscle burning” that people get when they lift slowly for long, drawn-out sets.This muscle burning sensation makes people feel good. It makes them feel like they really worked their muscles. And if muscles feel like they’re burning, that means fat loss is just around the corner, right? Heck, that’s probably how the terms “burn” and “fat loss” got associated with each other. Eventually, exercise physiologists postulated that the acidification of muscles (the burning sensation) might cause your body to release growth hormone, a fat-burning hormone. However, no one was sure if there was a correlation between the two, but it sure looked good on paper.This brings me to a recent study where two human performacne laboratories analyzed the effects of explosive lifting versus slow contractions with regard to calorie burn.The cool part of this study was that everything was same in terms of exercise selection, sets, reps and rest periods, except for one variable: the speed of the lift. They all did four sets of eight reps (4x8) with the squat with 60% of their one repetition maximum (1RM).

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